Friday, November 12, 2010


The semester has moved forward and its time to take a moment to look at where we've come. I continue to enjoy this class a lot. Not only have I noticed myself becoming more proficient in research and computing tools, I also have really enjoyed studying the historical content by linking it to our our digital culture. I am still trying to get used to blogging my learning, though I've found that as I do, I've been able to find interesting things in our topics that I've wanted to share with those of you who read this blog. One resource that I have found very valuable in my research is our university's library. In my post about unsolvable problems I found two articles through BYU's scholar search that helped me understand Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. In my post on the atomic age I discovered an article by actually finding it in the library (something I admittedly don't do enough due to the easiness of online articles) that was about the influence that government has on research in technology.

The computing concepts that we are learning are also very fascinating to me which is probably apparent in my blog posts. I didn't play around with as many of the digital labs like I had done earlier in the semester, but I did try something new when I created a video game level to share some of the feelings I had about the book A World Lit Only by Fire. I have also focused more on connecting with others outside of my blog. As I have found other blogs and articles during my research, I have been actively posting my own comments and starting conversations outside of the class. One thing I would really like to do is get connected with some people in the business world and some computer engineers. I'm looking to go into these fields and would like to see what are the topics talked about in these different circles. 

Overall I've really enjoyed this class though I do need to be a little more diligent in posting regularly. Till next time, and I hope you've enjoyed it all so far. If you have anything you as a reader would like to see in my blog more often, please let me know.

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